Advantages for everyone

The recipe for the perfect hydromassage

Dedicate time
2 to 3 times a week, in the evening, set aside half an hour of time just for you. The perfect hydromassage requires 20 minutes of immersion.

Preparing the skin
To amplify the benefits of the massage, exfoliate before getting into the bath, and use a hydrating cream on the skin after the bath and after having spent ten minutes wrapped in your bathrobe.

Setting the correct temperature
The ideal temperature is between 32 and 37 degrees, and remember: hot water has a decontracting effect on the muscles, and stimulates circulation, colder water has a toning effect and can increase blood pressure.

Using the power of essential oils
You can choose from various oils: cypress to fight cellulite, for a draining and anti-inflammatory effect; cedar, citrus and oriental spices for an energy boost; mint, lemon or lavender for total relaxation.

Benefitting from music therapy
During the hydromassage there is nothing better than letting yourself drift away with the emotions and vibrations of your favourite music, chosen specifically for your mood and the purpose of your session, to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of total wellbeing.

Choosing the correct lighting
Colour therapy takes advantage of the stimulating and soothing effects of the hues of the colour spectrum (the colours of the rainbow). Choose programmes with cool colours like green and blue to relax, or warm such as red to recharge your energy.

Cleaning and disinfecting
Periodically use the cleaning product Clean-It and the disinfection system included in our baths to keep systems in full working order and secure the internal components from the proliferation of mould and bacteria and the accumulation of biofilm.
The principal methods of hydromassage

Combined (Plus)
There are some solutions which involve a combination of the two hydromassage systems. Each of these systems has been designed and built with the aim to meet the diverse needs of everyone: this is why we offer you three different wellness programmes to choose from.
The Novellini wellbeing programmes

Dream - soft relaxing massage
Technology for the best system for your relaxation

Dynamic - energizing massage
New functions for the pleasure of an energetic and revitalizing bath

Hydro - classic massage
The simplicity of Novellini hydromassage.